Your feedback
We believe that patient, family and carer feedback - good or bad - is essential to ensuring our healthcare services provide the best possible care and treatment to the people we serve.
By encouraging you to have your say about our services, we are able to improve standards and more likely to provide services that people will want to use.
That is why we have so many ways that you can share your feedback with us, including:
- Register your feedback online
- The Friends and Family Test - "How likely are you to recommend our service to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?"
- PEQ Survey and Questionnaire - Cognitive Behaviour Psychotherapy Service patient experience questionnaire
- Email us your feedback to
- Telephone our Patient Experience Team (complaints) on 01332 623751 or freephone 0800 027 2128
Share your feedback externally
You can also share your experiences of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust's services with Healthwatch Derbyshire and Healthwatch Derby, the consumer champions for health and social care:
- Web:
- Email:
- Telephone: 01773 880786

- Web:
- Email:
- Telephone: 01332 643988

Feedback data
We publish a live feed of the numbers of complaints, concerns and compliments we receive. We also publish the most recent results of the Friends and Family Test, which asks people: "Thinking about the service we provide, overall, how was your experience of our service?"
View the results on our patient feedback page.
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